Real Estate Blog

Dénia, Outlet Market based in India. 30/11/19

Dénia, Saturday 30 November

Solidarity and cultural initiative, endearing and fun, between sares, incense and Bollywood music.

BOLLYWOOD dance performance by wonderful dancer Claudia Caldera and her students at 12:00 h. A ALL OUTLET with the best prices! Conscious sale of original INDIAN items (yoga pants different models and items, casual men's clothing, women's and niñ@s, precious rajasthani jewelry, bad, silk scarves, cotton, etc. natural essences and much more). Videos of Kalcuta's boys' work and music

In favor of the NGO CHESHIRE HOME, dedicated to people with cerebral palsy abandoned in the hard streets of Kalcuta, India.


TIME: From 10:30 h. to 13:30 h. and from 17:00 h. to 20:00 h.

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